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The End of the Story..

Inspiring Generations Enterprise (IGE) was founded by Themitha Renee Garner

aka T. Renee

Her vision a safe place to heal after trauma.

  Using Art as the tool from STEAM for all people regardless of age

With a passion for helping individuals overcome the lasting effects of mental trauma and painful memories,

T. Renee has become a driving force in the conquering mindset movement to inspire generational change. Through her commitment to personal growth and transformation, she strives to create a world where people can flourish in life, unburdened by the weight of their past and elderly care to self empowerment.

One significant moment that reinforced T. Renee's mission was when an 81-year-old woman attended a pop-up stageplay at the Blue Dolphin in 2018. The woman stayed up at her girlfriend's house, releasing the pain of her past trauma. Witnessing the impact of her work, T. Renee realized the importance of creating a safe space to help the world heal from domestic violence and trauma!

Meet The Board

All I sought was a secure space to express myself on my terms. I never should have found myself in this situation, I believed.

Why am I here again! 

As she delved deeper into her research and conducted interviews with women for her book, she discovered that the term she had coined, "the Man Monster™," had a much broader impact than she had initially thought. It wasn't limited to abusive behavior from men to women. Rather, it encompassed behaviors that were contrary to love, as described in 1st Corinthians 13:4-7 – love is patient, love is not s   piteful, love is kind, love forgives, love doesn't inflict harm, and love encompasses all. Any behavior that deviated from these principles, such as negativity, holding grudges, causing harm, or fighting, constituted what love was not. This behavior, if left unchecked, resembled a monstrous aspect that every individual could possess within their inner self. Thus, the Man Monster™ behaviors weren't just narratives; they were abusive mindsets that disregarded the well-being of others.

Understanding that a person's soul is intricately linked to their mindset, T. Renee realized that we all carry trauma that shapes our mental state. Through Inspiring Generation Enterprise (IGE), she aimed to guide people in addressing their inner Man Monsters™ and the associated negative mental behaviors. Her mission was to help people understand how the Man Monster™ had taken hold of their souls and, through IGE, teach them how to reclaim their lives and lead a magnificent existence.




IGE would love to partner with you and your services, your donation help.

If you are a counselor or a business owner seeking to collorborate with our mission please send an email to [email protected]

  • Do you know someone that have been domestic abuse relationship?

  • Do you know someone that have been incarcerated as a young adult under the age of 24 years old with a sentence of 20 years or more e.g. life?

  • Do you know the signs of finaical abuse in a relationship?

  • Do you know someone who needs help with housing and finding a job?

  • Do you know someone who can use support in crithical thinking?

  • Do you know someoone who could find value in Group Counseling Sessions

  • Do you know someone who could benefit from Life Skills and Trauma-Informed Care Education

  • Do you know someone you would share the IGE Coaching and Mentorship Hotline

Inspiring Generations Enterpriese Is Supporting the Community and Schools with Tools 


Copies of the current financial statement of INSPIRING GENERATONS ENTERPRISE is available upon request. To request a copy, please contact 


1123 Route 3 North 3283

Gambrills, MD 21054-0787 

Phone: 301.580.9299

 For the cost of copies and postage, documents and information submitted under the Maryland Solicitations Act are available from the Secretary of State. 

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